




火锅 Hot Pot

麻辣烫 Spicy Hot Pot

馄饨 Huntun Wonton

拉面 Lamian Noodles

刀削面 Daoxiao Noodles

米线 Rice Noodles

担担面 Dan Dan Noodles

锅盔 Guokui (Sichuan Pastries)

砂锅 Casseroles

烧烤 Grill(在平底锅里烤);Barbecue(直接在火上烤)

豆汁儿 Douzhir (Fermented Bean Drink)

熟食 Delicatessen(也可简作Deli/ Cooked food


宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken

风味小吃 Local Snacks Local Delicacies

招牌菜 Specialty Dish Signature Dish

酸菜鱼 Fish with pickled vegetables

鱼香肉丝 Fish-flavored Shredded Pork

糖醋排骨 Sweet and Sour Pork Spareribs

水煮肉片 Boiled Sliced Pork in Chili Sauce

川北凉粉 Tossed Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce

富顺豆花 Fushun Tofu Pudding

连山回锅肉 Lianshan Twice-cooked Pork

宜宾燃面 Yibin Ranmian Noodles


这消息一发布,令全国的吃货不禁拍手叫好!要知道,之前每次被外国朋友问到中国美食时都苦于词穷,难以将中国美食的精髓翻译到位。并且不仅中国小伙伴发愁,外国人民也替我们发愁,都称中国美食“lost in translation”

外国网友在旅行博客网站Goats On The Road上分享文章Lost In Translation: Menus Of China,文中就曾这样描述他们看到中国菜单神翻译后的感受:

We’ve seen some strange things on the menu. Sometimes they make us laugh, sometimes they make us worry, but they’re always entertaining. If a Chinese restaurant owner decides to try to create an English menu, it makes for a very funny read.


在线翻译管理系统Lingotek的翻译服务总监Adam WootenInternational Business: Food lost in translation: How authentic is that international cuisine? 一文中就曾这样提到:

Globalization places us in increasingly more situations where we may need to host international business associates for meals. With so many cultural differences in dining preferences, even among those of the same nationality and culture, the safest and most considerate thing we can do when treating a guest is to simply ask. Avoid making too many assumptions about what your guests would like and inquire about their preferences.

